Leap Gate Petition - Keep Our Children Safe
The head of Wiltshire Council did not respond to our correspondense, so we were left with no option but to start a petition. Copy of the e-petition with 38degrees below... LEAP GATE PETITION - KEEP OUR CHILDREN SAFE To: Baroness Jane Scott - Wiltshire Council We ask Wiltshire Council to lower the speed limit on the newly-opened section of Leap Gate, to put into effect traffic-calming measures and to stop actively promoting the use of this road as a bypass for all local traffic, especially HGVs. Why is this important? Leap Gate runs through two densely-populated family estates, Castle Mead and Paxcroft Mead, which are served by two primary schools. Since the new stretch of Leap Gate opened in June, HGVs, cars and motor bikes constantly exceed speed limits, putting the lives of residents and their children in danger. Motorists also regularly run the red lights at the Castle Mead pedestrian crossing, endangering the lives of those using it, most vulnerable of whom are childr...